Tips for selecting a residential lot.

Location – Determine what is important to you? Is it proximity to work, transportation,
place of worship, recreational activity, family, friends or affordability. Before venturing out it is good to consider first location
Community Characteristics – Urban or suburban settings are only a part of the equation. Do you want parks, hiking trails, friendly over the fence neighbors of a little distance between your nearest neighbors.
Property Access – Access to land is critical first to get to and from a property, but also to allow emergency vehicles onto your property. Selecting and that fronts directly on or has vehicular access to a public road removes much of this concern. If it doesn’t, make sure the proper easements and rights of way are in place. You may still not be out of the woods, because access to property may also impact the insurability of the property and any possible structures. Before considering the purchase of any property talk to your insurance company.
Property Use Restrictions – Check your potential property’s use restrictions to ensure you can use the site or even build the home the way you want. Restrictive covenants, homeowner’s association rules (architectural review committees), historic districts and environmental conditions like wetlands all affect your use of a property. Determine restrictions related to front and side setbacks or easements that may restrict usage.
Utilities and Infrastructure – Water and sewage are first on the list these in’s and outs are very important. Make sure there are no hidden fees for connecting to water and sewer. If a septic system is needed, make sure it passes a “perc test”, which measures the absorption rate of the soil where a proposed septic system will be installed. If there is no public water, then a well will be required and the gallons per minute flow rate is very important. Check with building department for acceptable rates. Is cable television and high-speed Internet a
must? Do your homework.
Know the Property - Walk the entire property and consider where you would place your home on the lot. Consider any easements and setbacks and then walk off the proposed location of your proposed home. Ask and understand that building cost will vary with the slope of the land, trees, rocks potential hazards (wetlands).
Consider your Neighbors – A major highway, railroad, farm may have an impact on desirability of property. Noise or smells may reduce the value of a particular property. Check it out; use technology such as satellite maps and understand the neighborhood.
Select your Builder – Talk to several builders, see the homes that they have built and talk to former clients. Learn about your builder and the type along with the quality of the home they build. Communication is key and establishing confidence through your own do diligence is extremely important. Make sure to walk the lot with your builder to help level set and confirm build requirements and possible costs.
Work with Professionals – When it comes to the purchase a lot it is important to understand as much as you can about the property. Consider the Real Estate Agent, Builder, Lender, and Insurance Broker to name a few. Communication is crucial and talking with the professionals can make your lot purchase rewarding.